Thursday, July 3, 2008

I'm trying to keep this relatively regularly updated. So what do I have to discuss this day? I don't know. Let's talk about my huuuuuuge new found obsession with Depeche Mode. So I've always loved "Enjoy the Silence". I remember hearing this both on the radio and my brother had a .mp3. I would request it all the time. I have this clear memory of getting a ride to school from my mom and hearing it come on the radio. I bounced in the backseat. That makes me sound weird. I know.

So it took me more than 22 years, but I decided that "Enjoy the Silence" is my favorite song. This was practically a revelation for me. So now I want to do some sort of reading on the subject, so naturally I go to the library website. NOTHING. And then I find that my local public library is not listed on Worldcat. I did an Amazon search. HOLY COW PRICES. I so seriously get sad because books are hella expensive.

This is what I get for wanting to read about stuff.

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